Lean Innovator Starter Kit

Here’s our growing list of links we regularly share after our Lean Innovator Dojo. It should help people to quickly get some relevant information when they want to move on with Lean Startup in their organisation.

Lean Startup in the context of a larger, established organisation

When you are an innovation manager or need some references to share with your boss:

Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything

“Innovation” is dead. Long live “innovation”.

Why Every Company Needs A Chief Entrepreneur


Innovation Culture

How to make the culture gap tangible and starter of a conversation to avoid or manage the cultural conflict of existing vs. new organisation:

15 Minutes Cultural MappingReport about Lean Startup Dojo at Axel Springer Plug and Play Accelerator

Getting started with Lean Startup


Validating Product Ideas

How to: Validate Your Product IdeaThree modes of working to design a Value Proposition

Book List

Our reading list including the Lean Startup method (#PoDojo Reader)  


5 Common Unconscious Biases We See in Product Development


Ed Biden at #PoDojo Studio